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I got no boundaries in Mind.

Hi, It's good to have you here =) Choose to call me Darky or Louis, I'm a guy, who love musics like can't breath without it, what kind of musics? well, I can't count. Press the right arrow button to see simple description about myself.

I live in a fancy world.

I'm a guy, a 177cm chinese guy who speak english, foochow, hokkien, canton, and mandarin. I'm a computer freak. I'm living in a fancy world but not what I used to expected. Sometimes, fancy means messy, right? But I never stop accepting challenges, I'm just too tired to think why.


I do pray and hope, because whenever I'm prepared to sprint along the way, they are the fire that keeps me stand still and keep my heart burning, and they are the lights that keep me seeing myself clear in dark.

Imperfection makes everyone Unique.

I'm a social smoker, and yes, reality drives me mad. Whatever peoples take it as, I don't give a damn because it soothe me, and that's all I need. And sometimes, black and white isn't that bad.

Photo madness.

I like photography, photo tells me that I could freeze memories into a picture. So, I do enjoy taking pictures. =D

Patient and Passion

The hardest thing I ever learnt is being PATIENCE, that's not easy at all. Passion is a totally opposite of it, people born to have PASSION, but if you wanna keep it up, you have to remember, patience grows passion .

May be, just may be.

May be, someday I could be somebody, I don't wanna ask much, I just want to stay low profile, live and die peacefully. I'm too lazy to bother dreams and ambitions.

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Darky Crystalz Monday, July 11, 2011
有那么一段时间, 我迷茫, 忘了心跳的动力,

我们的曾经是不是错过了什么, 还是为了太多什么.

还是假设了太多如果, 忽略了太多后果.

还是失去了太多勇气, 再也拿不出,也收不起.

 事后, 她消失了一段时间

再次听到她的消息的时候, 灼热的眼泪为罪恶感而滑落脸颊.

我清楚知道, 是我的错.

安慰, 全是徒劳, 毕竟没有人明白, 至少我是这么认为.

她披过了婚纱, 进了豪门, 却因为一场争吵发生了意外, 脑部受创, 昏迷了半年还没有醒来.

我到了医院门口, 脚步在病房门口僵住了, 还没来的及练习一遍对白, 就接着鼻酸, 哽咽了.

我慢行步出出医院, 外面下起了大雨, 这一幕感染着我的心灵大地.

我跌坐在地, 心里一片深刻的内疚,

当初因为经济和对方家人的压力, 我放弃了她, 当然, 那是经过一整个星期流着泪的对白练习, 我才终于说出了口, 使用自己觉得一点都接受不到的借口理由, 就这么离开了她.

我记得那一刻, 她泛泪的眼眶让我彻底心碎, 我找不到方向的眼神只好利用余光来注意她的表情.

说完了, 当我打算不顾一切的拉住她的手说这一切都不是真的时候,
眼看我就要做到了, 我松开了打算伸出去的手, 那时的我淋在雨中,
嘲讽者自己怎么那么无能为力, 那么无奈.

剩下的就是无尽的惊恐, 害怕没有她的未来.

记得曾经告诉她, 我有个大家都有的生活,
但只有你让它感觉不一样, 独特, 充满色彩.
没了你我不会停止呼吸, 世界不会改变,
但是没了你的气息, 你我被掏空的心, 又怎么能跟过去一样呢?

那时的你, 嘲笑我的夸张...




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